Cathleen R Smith

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4 Reasons to Splurge on Your Chef’s Knife

A chef’s knife is like your best friend. It’s always there when you need it. You can ask it to do things it’s never done before and it’s okay with it. You can accidentally neglect it and it will forgive you. And you can surround it with other knives, but it will always know it’s your go-to.

But these are not the reasons to splurge on your chef’s knife. Well I guess they could be - but these aren’t the reasons I want to share with you - LOL. Read on to find out why your chef’s knife is such an important purchase and why you really can’t live without a good one.

Reason One: It’s Needed for All Food Prep

A chef’s knife really is the most important tool in your kitchen. No matter what’s for dinner, chances are there’s going to be something that requires you to use a knife. And a well-chosen chef’s knife is likely the knife you’ll need.

When choosing your chef’s knife, consider size, balance and weight. Most chef’s knives have a blade that is either 8 or 10 inches long. My personal preference is a 10-inch blade but I’ve used some great knives with 8-inch blades plenty of times.

As for balance, the handle of a chef’s knife will weigh more than the blade, but the knife shouldn’t feel as if all the weight is back toward the handle. And when you hold the knife, it shouldn’t feel too heavy or too light. While a heavier knife will use its weight to assist with chopping food, a lighter knife will be more flexible and easier to guide.

Reason Two: It Allows Fast & Precise Work

A chef’s knife is super sharp. And as we all know, cutting with a sharp knife is a lot easier than cutting with a dull one - which makes food prep not only easier, but faster. And where it’s important that whatever you’re preparing be the same size (as in dicing), if you’re using a sharp knife you’ll have much better control over those precise cuts.

Also there are certain fruits and vegetables that can bruise if not properly handled during the prep stage. Using a knife that is dull, too small or off-balance is more likely to cause damage to your fruits and veggies than a good chef’s knife.

Reason Three: It’s Use Is Predictable

A well-chosen chef’s knife offers predictability. A chef’s knife is made to be easy to control no matter what food prep is being performed. The balance and weight of a chef’s knife always remains constant. The more you use your chef’s knife, the more you will learn about how it performs when preparing different foods.

Also a chef’s knife helps make food preparation safer with less risk of injury. The sharpness of the blade works to eliminate the use of force when preparing foods. And a good chef’s knife is easy to keep sharpened.

Reason Four: It Offers Versatility

Finally, a good chef’s knife can do just about anything. It can slice, chop, dice and mince, you can use it to cut super dense vegetables like squash, and it can carve through meat and poultry.

Basically, a chef’s knife can handle 99% of all your food preparation tasks. And rather than purchasing a set of knives, or owning a specific knife to perform a specific task, your money likely will be better spent on a really good chef’s knife.

Here are links to a few of my favorites:

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